Covid-19: Omar Abdullah offers tips for better life In Quarantine

Srinagar, Mar 25, KNT: Omar Abdullah, the former chief minister who was released after eight months on March 24, has finally started offering his own experience about how the people should manage their lives in the quarantine.

He has written a series of tweets and these getting viral on social media.

In the first tweet, he said the response to his earlier tweet has encouraged him to share “a bit of my own experience”.

“It will probably sound rather self-evident but it really helped me over the months of solitary detention,” he wrote.

Omar wants people to establish a routine and try to stick to it, while in quarantine. “In all the months I was in HNSJ (Hari Niwas Sub-Jail) I stuck to a routine as though it were carved in stone. The routine gave me a sense of purpose & stopped me feeling aimless or lost,” the tweets read.

“I woke up & went to bed around the same time EVERY DAY. No lazy Sunday morning lie-ins for me. Get up & get ready. Having nowhere to go is no reason to spend all day in your nightsuit. I lived in track pants but I never slept in them or sat around in my PJs,” he wrote in another tweet.

“Fix your meal times & stick to them. I ate my meals on my own. Put it down to the habit of boarding school & my need for structure For me it was breakfast at 8:30, lunch at 2 & dinner at 7:30 with a mug of coffee at 12 (after the doctor had checked my BP) & evening tea at 6,” was the routine of Omar in the sub-jail for all these months.
Omar said the exercise is the only thing that is very important.

He wrote in his tweet: “Exercise, exercise, exercise. I can’t emphasise this point enough. I was fortunate to have space & access to the grounds in HNSJ to get outside but even when the weather didn’t permit I exercised indoors – walking in the corridor, up & down the stairs or just endless burpees.”

For the exercise, he had some help available with him. He wrote: “I used a couple of apps which were really helpful because I had workouts downloaded on them earlier. Nike Training Club & Fitbod (both on iOS & probably Android as well) were great for workouts of varying intensity & equipment levels.”