COVID-19 will threaten humanity for years to come, a leading expert warns

WHO expert Dr. David Nabarro says SARS-CoV-2 has a game plan for survival, we need to get ready to fight

COVID-19 will threaten humanity for years to come, according to Dr. David Nabarro, the WHO’s special envoy on COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccines alone will not be enough, because SARS-CoV-2 will mutate to overpower the protections offered by the current vaccines, becoming an “ever present threat,” according to Dr. David Nabarro.

“This isn’t going to be a disease that can be eradicated any time soon. Indeed, it may not be possible to eradicate it at all, because, by constantly mutating, the virus is indicating its game plan for survival,” he told the Evening Standard.

“Rather than talking about defeating the pandemic, why don’t we talk about being ready for COVID. And being ready for COVID means being able to defend against the virus when it starts to appear in a community with a spike of disease.”

Nabarro says those defenses should be a mix of vaccinations, hygiene practices, mask-wearing, physical distancing and test, trace and isolate programs.

“These things have to be brought together into a system, but it’s not going to be vaccination alone that’s going to solve the problem. It’s not going to be hygiene alone that’s going to solve the problem, it’s not going to be face masks alone … its actually pulling them all together and be super clever about how you utilize the balance between these various interventions.”